
We're Movies by Minutes

We're Movies by Minutes

One minute of screen time, per episode.

You may have heard other movie review podcasts, but nobody else goes to the level of detail that Movies by Minutes shows analyze, scrutinize, and celebrate your favorite films. 

With more than 130 movies in the MxM podcast format, you’ll find some of your best-loved films getting the Movies By Minutes focus. With host discussions, cast members, film critics, and subject experts, you’ll experience your film favorites with a depth far beyond the feature commentary of home video. 


If you’ve considered podcasting as a hobby, the Movies by Minutes format is a great place to start. Pick a movie you love, and join us at the Movies By Minutes Facebook page. We’d be happy to help get you started and give you hints on how to create a great show. Looking forward to seeing your there!



Movies by Minutes Teams

The Rocketeer Minute

The Rocketeer Minute

Week 1
Hal Bryan & Jim O'Kane
Galaxy Quest Minute

Galaxy Quest Minute

Week 2
Alex Thompson
Jay & Silent Bob Minute

Jay & Silent Bob Minute

Week 3
Chris Derkotch
Minute Impossible

Minute Impossible

Week 4
Chris Ramirez
Groundhog Minute

Groundhog Minute

Week 5
Dave Pallas & Sean German
Mchael Myers Minute

Mchael Myers Minute

Week 6
Robert Black
Open the Podcast Doors, Hal

Open the Podcast Doors, Hal

Week 7
Chris Frain & Rudi Thornburgh
Rocky Minute

Rocky Minute

Week 8
Doug Greenberg & Jason Hanes
Predator Minute

Predator Minute

Week 9
Zabriskie Brothers
M*A*S*H Minute

M*A*S*H Minute

Week 10
Megan Coleman and Tierney Steele Callahan
2-Minute Terminator

2-Minute Terminator

Week 11
Ethan McKinley
Fright Night MInute

Fright Night MInute

Week 12
Robin Burdge & Leonard Kenyon
Indiana Jones Minute

Indiana Jones Minute

Week 13
Tom Taylor, Pete Mummert, Gerry Porter
Real JAWS Minute

Real JAWS Minute

Week 14
Tyson Ferris, Jeremy Sternhagen
Star Wars Minute

Star Wars Minute

Week 15
Alex Robinson, Pete the Retailer
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