Minute 005: Just Love Me, Okay?


As Ed walks into the breakfast area, and puts his hand on Ellen’s shoulder. Ellen is reading the newspaper.

“What did you say?” asks Ed.

Ellen looks up from her paper. “Do you want me to make you some coffee?” she asks.

“No, no thanks,” says Ed, sitting down in front of a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast.  He stares blankly at the plate.

“Aren’t you hungry?” asks Ellen.

Ed shakes off the dazed look. “Oh yeah, sure,” says Ed, putting a paper napkin on his lap.

“What’s the matter, Ed? Why aren’t you sleeping?” asks Ellen.

Ed sighs. “I don’t know,” he replies, looking around the room.

“Well, what can I do?” asks Ellen.

“Just – – love me, okay?” says Ed, picking up a fork to eat breakfast.

Outside, a car horn beeps.

“Oop – that’s Stan,” says Ellen, putting down her paper and scooping up Ed’s breakfast plate. Ed’s left with his fork still hanging in midair. Ed falls back to staring off in the distance as Ellen puts his dish in the kitchen.

Ellen puts on her suit jacket as she prepares to leave. She looks at Ed.

“What is it?” asks Ellen. “Am I doing something wrong?”

Ed looks at her, concerned. “No, of course not,” he replies.

“Well, what is it?” asks Ellen, sitting down again.

“I don’t know,” says Ed. The car horn beeps again.

“Oh, you’d better go,” says Ellen, standing back up and grabbing her purse. “Herb’s probably going berserk by now.”

“Herb can wait,” says Ed.

“I gotta go,” says Ellen, kissing Ed on the top of his head. “Have a nice day,” she says.

In This Minute

  • Jeff Goldblum     as Ed Okin
  • Stacey Pickren     as Ellen Okin
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